Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Talking on a Tuesday: Gingerbread Edition

There's something about this tasty little guy that the kids love!  Besides the obvious answer (he is yummy), I am not sure how he does it.  If you read yesterday's blog, you know I chose to read "The Gingerbread Man" as the main book of the week.  A couple of my older kids heard "The Jalapeno Man" and our book buddy was able to still work.

Today's post is all about ARTICULATION!!!    Monday morning I was feeling pretty good!  I made a giant check list on Sunday and completed every task on it!  Several of those tasks were making sure I was prepped for Monday.  Pulled up to my first kid to realize I left the paint dauber AND the di at home...on my desk.  Time to improvise!!  We read our book.  Then I pulled out my phone and found a dice roller app (who knew they even had that??).  Instead of dot paints, we just colored the pictures.  Our first activity of the week was the newly loved "Roll and Say."  This one included characters from the story-gingerbread man, fox, old man and old woman. 

Our second session of the week included a take home game and an open ended game.  Both go well with the story.   First, we make the fox puppet while working on our words.  After we've made the puppet, we play the game a time or 2 in order for the kids to be able to play it at home.  I really like these kinds of games for my kiddos that are 1 session a week.  The concept is they "feed" the gingerbread cookies to the fox as they say their words.  When we are done, we place all the gingerbread cookies in the bag for storage.

The open ended game can be found in the book buddy along with the first articulation activity above.  Print a set of cards (1 page) for each child in your group.  If you see kids individually, like I do, print 2 sets.  Laminate all for durability and cut apart.  I store all my game pieces in manila envelopes.  The child produces his target word correctly 5x and then chooses a card from the envelope.  The one with the most gingerbread cookies is the winner!!  But watch out for the broken cookie and the fox!!!

Until next time, keep 'em talking!


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